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Re: RC: Re: Re: RE: barefoot on the WRRT

--- Robyn Levash <> wrote:

> How is it unrealistic to ride a "conditioned to the
> task " barefoot horse
> over a long distance? Horses were not born with
> shoes on. Horses were not
> born with easy boots on either.

You've made excellent points for what you intend to
do.  May I just point out that horses weren't born
carrying weight over long distances at any speed

IMHO, for a horse to go the way we ask them to in
endurance, either barefoot or shod, we have to take
the responsibility to make sure they are sound and
happy.  If you can do that barefoot, more power to ya.
 If you need shoes, more power to ya.  While I feel
more comfortable with shoes on my horse, that doesn't
alieviate my responsibility to make sure he is
properly shod and in balance.  Nor does shoes, as you
appropriately pointed out, alieviate the possibility
of stone bruises or other problems.

Susan Young Casey
Glenndale Grace Farm
Ft Gibson, Oklahoma U.S.A.

"Ride on! Rough-shod if need be, smooth-shod if that will do, but ride on! Ride on over all obstacles, 
and win the race!"         - Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

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