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Re: Re: RE: barefoot on the WRRT
Well, you are right that horses with shoes can also get stone bruises. I
have not however seen any stone bruises on padded horses that Nelson
does...of course, we use Equi Pak not silicone for packing and I believe
that has made all the difference as silicone simply will ooze out before it
can set. That doesn't happen with Equi Pak. Nelson does hundreds of trims
a year (currently had about 500 horses on the list so thousands is probably
more accurate) and has done even more thousands over the years and in the
time we have been together (he hasn't had the benefit of my supervision
forever, poor fellow :)), we have seen plenty of stone bruises during trims,
some pretty bad and some that have even led to abscesses. Again, depends on
conditions in their pasture, what they are used for, how they are ridden,
etc., etc.
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