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Re: RC: John Parke Nomination Statement for PS Region

I support Mr Parke in his bid for PSW AERC Director.
I have known John for a limited time. I have agreed with his approach
on all the Protests resolved under is tenure.
I have read his  ( and Steve Rutters) proposed new AERC Bylaws. I
concur with John and agree that our Bylaws need revisions and updates.

He approaches the issues in a rational logical and concise method.
His association with the legal profession is an asset.
I believe John to be a major asset to AERC BOD.

As I have suggested before, If AERC is to move forward, we should look
to members who think outside the 'business as usual' concept.

That is - I believe we
need new members on the BOD.


 Roger Rittenhouse #8263  DAL

Tuesday, September 18, 2001, 2:26:26 PM, you wrote:

Oac> Per Bob Morris' suggestion for all nominees for regional directors for the 
Oac> AERC board, I am posting the nomination statement I sent to the AERC office.  
Oac> It states:

Oac>     "I have been sitting on the Board of Directors as a Regional Director 
Oac> from the Pacific Southwest Region for the past year.  When the prior Regional 
Oac> Director, Mike Tomlinson, resigned his position, I was nominated by the other 
Oac> Regional Director, Terry Woolley Howe, to fill his position and was 
Oac> subsequently approved by the Board at its mid-year meeting.  I am interested 
Oac> in serving as a Regional Director for the Pacific Southwest Region for 
Oac> another term.

Oac>     I have been active as a Board member.  I am the Chairman of the Protest 
Oac> and Grievance Committee.  Of the more than ten protests the Committee has 
Oac> considered during my term, none have resulted in an appeal to the Board.  I 
Oac> am also the Chairman of the Legal Committee.  In that capacity, I have 
Oac> rendered legal advice to the AERC President and Board on several topics, 
Oac> often in emergency situations, and generally keep an eye out for liability 
Oac> concerns for the Board and ride managers.  I have also worked on the ad hoc 
Oac> Bylaws Revision and Executive Search Committees.  Although I am not afraid to 
Oac> speak out at Board meetings, I believe I have the respect of other Board 
Oac> members for my willingness to get to the heart of a matter and find a 
Oac> creative solution.  

Oac>     I like to directly participate in our sport.  I have ridden in excess of 
Oac> 6,000 miles in the last 5 years.  I believe the magic of our sport lies in 
Oac> its diversity.  Any given ride can find world champions, rank beginners and 
Oac> high mileage people riding just to complete, all riding down the same trail.  
Oac> One reason why I have presented the Regional Awards at the last two AERC 
Oac> Conventions is that I enjoy learning who people are from all of the nine 
Oac> regions.

Oac> I still remember my days as a beginner and feel that the AERC should provide 
Oac> educational programs for new riders if we are going to continue to 
Oac> characterize limited distance rides as training rides.  Education and not 
Oac> just more rules is the best way to ensure the welfare of our horses.  
Oac> Although I tend to ride in the back of the pack myself, I think that the 
Oac> competition between riders who choose to go faster or participate in 
Oac> international rides is exciting and enhances my experience.  I strongly 
Oac> believe, however, that members of the Board of the Directors have to be 
Oac> vigilant in maintaining the delicate balance between promoting competition 
Oac> and preserving the informal nature of our sport.

Oac> I am particularly interested in seeing passage by the Board of the Bylaws 
Oac> amendment I drafted requiring Board members to disclose their potential 
Oac> conflicts of interest.  Most of us believe that while there are unique 
Oac> qualities of our sport in this country, there is always room for improvement. 
Oac>  We can only have an honest discussion about this if we are open about our 
Oac> motivations.  I owe it to my fellow Directors and to the people who vote for 
Oac> me to disclose my potential conflicts of interest so that people can have the 
Oac> opportunity to judge for themselves why I take the positions I take.  If I am 
Oac> elected to serve again as a Regional Director, I look forward to 
Oac> participating in a healthy discussion about how to allow our sport to grow 
Oac> without losing those things that make it so special and enjoyable to all of 
Oac> us.  

Oac> I welcome inquiries about these and other issues before the election and the 
Oac> Board's mid-year meeting."

Oac> John Parke
Oac> Solvang CA

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