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Terrorism RC: 1276

Title: Signature
At least here we will catch and prosecute the low-lifes that would do that.  I personally take a very dim view of that when or where it happens.  I think that is a difference between us and this Laden pig.  Just because you don't have all the facts yourself doesn't mean the Presidents boys don't.  He is a known sponsor and  trainer of those murders so he is a good one to get anyway.  The world won't be any sadder if bin Laden is gone.  Justice will be served one way of the other.  I getting tired of people treating this issue as though it is a case in the US for murder where one lowlife kills someone else.  It is much more than that and requires possible a bending of the rules, we just might have to assassinate someone one day.

I was in a local business establishment a couple of days ago and when checking out a lady of the Moslem religion came up behind me to do the same.  I turned and looked at her and she looked unsettled.  Both I and my wife smiled at her and her whole demeanor changed.  I wish more people would at least do that much.  By the way these same things happen to Japanese Americans at the on set of W.W.II and they and we survived.
Don & Linda Pollock
JR, Bay Star and the cats and dogs
1400 Birdie Road
Lawrenceburg, Ky. 40342
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