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Re: Beet Pulp/ Founder

> Would it be safe to give beet pulp to a foundered pony?
> Thanks
> Jerri

Yes, I've had alot of good success maintaining foundered horses on beet
pulp, grass hay and added fat for additional calories.  It's not an overly
rich diet, is low in soluble carbohydrates and still has a good nutrient
profile so the tissues can rebuild.  I also like to add 20 mg of biotin per
day to the ration.  The beet pulp has enough calcium to support
reconstruction of the stratum medium and the biotin helps with
reconstruction of the stratum externum.

Try to make sure the grass hay is really good quality, preferably first
cutting.  If it's of marginal quality, then you can add a cup (and I mean a
cup, not two or three) of a soybean based protein supplement, such as Tiz
Whiz or calf manna.  No more than that, and if possible, split the protein
supplement into two meals.  If the pony needs more calories to maintian a
decent weight, then add some high quality, fresh corn oil to the beet pulp.
It used to be thought to keep foundered horses rail-thin to minimize
downward pressure on the soles, but there's some good recent research
indicating you can go too far with that, and maintaining decent weight so
that the pony has the basic substrates to rebuild tissue is also a good

Good luck. :-))

Susan G

Good luck.

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