OT Terrorists
On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 08:12:21PM -0400, Maryanne Stroud Gabbani wrote:
> RE: RE: OT: Terrorist AttacksI'm glued to CNN right now and online because I
> can't reach my kids except by email. But people should remember that there
> are citizens of the US who are quite capable of these kinds of actions, as
> horrible as that sounds. Oklahoma City? Right now my
> Canadian/Sudanese/Egyptian kids are sitting scared in a room with their
> friends (Korean, Irish Catholic, and Jewish). The whole thing is sick.
Scary, isn't it. It could be anyone, anywhere.
What makes me sick is this, which came from
http://www.komotv.com/story7.htm, a local news station here. I really
really REALLY hope it isn't true. Any sympathy I ever had for Palestinians
is GONE. I, personally, have never supported either side. And never will, I
"Arafat Says He's Horrified
September 11, 2001
By KOMO Staff & News Services
But Palestinians celebrate in the streets. NABLUS, West Bank Thousands of
Palestinians celebrated Tuesday's terror attacks in the United States,
chanting "God is Great" and distributing candy to passers-by, even as their
leader, Yasser Arafat, said he was horrified.
The U.S. government has become increasingly unpopular in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip in the past year of Israeli-Palestinian fighting, with many
Palestinians accusing Washington of siding with Israel.
In the West Bank town of Nablus, about 3,000 people poured into the street
shortly after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and
government targets in Washington.
Demonstrators distributed candy in a traditional gesture of celebration.
Several Palestinian gunmen shot in the air, while other marchers carried
Palestinian flags."
-Allie, thinking of moving to Wyoming. Surely there's nothing in Wyoming of
interest to terrorists, internal or external. <sigh>
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