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Re: RC: I'm Back.....

At 08:01 AM 09/09/2001 -0700, wrote:
>Here is my thought for AERC Rides concerning water availability. Similar
>to FEI requirements for protecting the horse, I believe that rides
>should make available or have natural water available at the minimum
>once between the start and midway vet check and at least once between
>the check and the finish.
>Let's us consider this, discuss it and submit thoughts to our AERC

Steve:  I have never done a ride that didn't meet those requirements you 
mentioned.  Why make a rule, there is no need.   I feel that as long as the 
riders know that they are going to be going 15 or 20 miles without water 
that they need to use their brains and ride accordingly.  That's what 
endurance riding is all about.  It's not supposed to be like McDonald's.

Besides, wouldn't you need to provide some sort of data showing that horses 
are having problems at rides that have longer distances between water stops 
than rides that have water more frequently?  I am sure that you could not 
show that.


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