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Re: Water
> <<< She asked me to restrict their water intake to 5 gallons each so that
> they wouldn't colic. >>>
The more I travel around doing seminars, the more oddball beliefs I hear
about. It usually seems to boil down to one true statement that then has
been extrapolated into a dire warning. I would guess that your boarder may
have gotten some idea about too much water causing colic from reports that
an overheated horse drinking alot of ice cold water *and then just standing
and not keep moving* could develop some problems. But good lord, they're
much more likely to develop impaction from not getting all the water they
want on a regular basis. There are a few *very* specialized circumstances
when a horse should have water restricted, but none of them apply here.
I would say ask your boarder where she got her information, suggest it may
not be accurate and certainly not in her horse's best interest, and if she's
doubtful, suggest she contact a few equine vets in the area---or even call
down to Texas A&M and ask to talk to the equine medicine vet on service that
day. That oughta do it. :-)
Good luck,
Susan G
- References:
- Re: RC: Water
- From: "Carolyn Burgess" <carolyn_burgess@hotmail.com>
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