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Re: Hydration
Plentiful and not dark sounds good to
The other thing to consider when deciding whether
your horse is peeing enough compared to the next horse is, are the rations
equivalent between the two? All other things being equal, the horse
getting more protein than he needs (ie, the one getting alfalfa) is going to pee
more than the horse on adequate but not excessive protein rations, ie a grass
hay diet. The higher protein produces waste ammonia in the body, which is
degraded to urea, which is excreted in the urine---even though the body may be
dehydrated and *should* be conserving water.
Anyway, I wouldn't spend time counting how often
the horse pees---if it's plentiful and a nice straw color (not ice tea or
darker), I'd say that's fine.
Susan G
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 1:32
Subject: RC: Hydration
Okay now you guys have
me wondering. All three of my horses don't pee all
that much put
together. I would have to say that in a 50 mile ride my older
(17 year old QH, 15.3H) may pee 3 times; the youngster (just turned 6,
14.3 Arab) may go 3-4 times, and my mare (9 year old, 1/2 QH, 1/2 Arab,
probably twice. The most recent ride I did was the Norco
Riverdance and we
finished in just under 7 hours with excellent hydration.
His urine was
plentiful and not dark. So are my horses odd or
what ????
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