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greys and cancer/Melanix

<<<Wonder if that particular mix could be used as preventative?>>>


When we put Beau (the grey Arabian gelding) on to the Melanix, he had 4 
small melanomas: 2 in the corner of his mouth, one on his stifle and one on 
his hip.  The vet had noted the location of these in previous visits.  After 
being on the Melanix for about 6 months, it was time for his annual vet 
exam.  One of the lumps in the mouth was gone as well as the one on his hip. 
  We recently ran out of Melanix and after being off it for a month or so, 
the one on his hip came back and he has several new ones.  So Beau is back 
on the Melanix and we won't ever run out again.

The reason I found out about this was the owner of the tack shop where I buy 
it has an Appaloosa with large tumors in his sheath.  So large, he was 
having difficulty dropping and urinating.  She put him on it and the largest 
tumor shrunk to 1/2 the size.  Two horses are not a study, but the stuff 
appears to work.  It is not cheap.  A 1 KG container lasts about 6 weeks and 
costs $45.

Carolyn Burgess

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