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greys and cancer
That is very interesting. I do receive
several catalogs that carry Wendells Herb products. Wonder if that
particular mix could be used as preventative?
DeeDee, my "true redhead!" is chestnut. She
has had a bean sized knot under the skin on right side neck crest about a hand
width from poll area. Never changes in size or texture (firm), so I don't
worry. My sister had a bay mare who had the crusty-looking (name please?)
wart thingies! in her ears...she had them removed and they came back.
Our dogs get, what are termed "fatty tumors", as
they get older. These are benign and can get pretty large! In soft
regions of canine, ie flank, rib area, arm pit, etc.
It sounds like the ok ones in horses is
similar? What are the risky ones in appearance? I know that changes
in texture should send an alarm. Are the risky ones one or under the
I don't have anyone with probs, but with a lot of
Arabians being greys and my new handsome 2 yr old being rose grey and matureing
to grey, I find this very interesting.
Beth Gunn
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