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Re: RC: CA Slaughter horses/eyewitness account
on 8/31/01 6:52 AM, beth glover at bgloverhrsewmn@hotmail.com wrote:
It's sick and evil. He has an eye for good horses and could buy them to
make a profit. Either someone would buy them, or they would go on the truck.
He didn't really care. It was the rescue people who picked through the herd,
not him. It made me physically sick to be there, and I had to leave right
away. The guy is sure racking up a lot of bad
I bought my mare, Khemoshah out of his feedlot, and the conditions are just
as you described. However, after strangles, nothing else was wrong with her,
except that she had the bad luck to have been owned by someone who bred her
and never trained her under saddle. I did it myself, and she is a dream and
can go all day long. Nothing wrong with her mind either...out of the four
horses I have had in my care from Leonard's, three were papered and sane,
sound and great...One was a charroed, mental mess that will never be a safe
horse. I really resent the slam that the rescues got here. Roseann is a
wonderful person who has done more good for more Arabians than most of us
ever will. Gale does a great job too. Either we rescue what we can or turn a
blind eye. We can't change Leonard or Slim, and I have no doubts that these
horses would wind up in Texas on the truck. No one wants an unbroke Arab out
here. BTW, I would take my feedlot girls over any other horse out there-I
have two exceptional horses in my barn, both from his place-five hundred for
both of them. My new Synergist cost almost five times that much. If anyone
wants to see a picture of the horses I have from there, drop me a line. Desa
is 7, built like a brick, calm, and will eat, pee and drink on trail and
trot all day. What more could you want?
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