You know of which you speak. I bought a filly at Leonard's and was told that he was not reported because then he would shut the gates, and not let the decent horsemen/women in anymore to inspect his herd. He did have a lot of nasty ugly wild horses over there, BUT of the horses that stick in my mind I saw a retired Hackney Pony who was sound and broke to ride, there was weanling foals. (Now why do folks go through all the trouble of breeding a baby foal and then sell it at the auction cheap?) There were many thoroughbreds off the track, and appy's and quarter horses/ There was an imported Russian stallion, an Aswan son whom my friend /trainer got out. (This was in about 1992) There was a mare who had just won a bunch of ribbons for hunt seat at Santa Barbara. My friends got her out. There was the Ali Jamaal daughter that I got out. Now bear in mind that all these horses had papers, but they were also rented out to the charros, many of them, and had injuries. Mine had a nasty case of strangles. I did not understand why if the horses were in the feed lot, someone wasn't fattening them up like cattle to get more weight on them for higher sale prices. Anyone who eats one is stupid, what a bunch of diseased meat that it. I don't know if I would do it again, it was exhausting and draining to cure that horse of strangles and pneumonia, and she was a mental misfit afterward anyway. Took a full year of hard nursing care of the horse. They were not on the internet at that time, it was all word of mouth. The key to Leonard, is he is a "good horseman" when he chooses to be. His Quarter horse show horses are kept in a beautiful, clean white barn with white fences and Gazebo. His stud was gorgeous.He makes the choice to keep the feed lot horses in 3 feet of mud and filth, all crammed in there with moldy cow hay to eat, stallions attacking and breeding everyone they want to. It's sick and evil. He has an eye for good horses and could buy them to make a profit. Either someone would buy them, or they would go on the truck. He didn't really care. It was the rescue people who picked through the herd, not him. It made me physically sick to be there, and I had to leave right away. The guy is sure racking up a lot of bad karma. Beth