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Re: RC: glucose testing
Blood glucose testing is easy.
To address Bob Morris' concern that "something could
be injected when the blood is drawn" (assuming a
syringe & needle):
The blood is drawn via a sharp "jab" from a lancette -
a solid core spike. No syringe involved. Easy places
to draw from are the neck (especially if shaved down)
or near the hock.
The drop of blood that is formed at the pricked site
is transferred onto the strip that is inserted into
the blood glucose machine. (Same machine as diabetics
use to monitor their blood glucose.) The machine is
cheap, the strips are more expensive in the long run.
Remember that when choosing a machine to buy. A lot
like a camera and conventional film/development.
After 30-60 seconds, the readings will show up as
numbers. Normal is around 80-120. Much below 60 is
concerning. Below 30 is compatible with body system
damage damage from low blood sugars. Above 180-200 is
too high... Very seldom seen in a horse without
The use in endurance is to see that the horse is
eating adequately to keep a good substrate in the
blood for fuel - glucose. If it is falling too low,
the horse can be encouraged to eat or (theoretically)
orally syringed with concentrated carbohydrates of
some sort.
For the average copmpetitor, blood glucose testing is
probably overkill. For those who are pushing the
envelopes of speed and recovery, it may be
enlightening & help to improve the management of the
elite horse.
It might also be a good way for the crew to convince
the RIDER that they need to eat. (And I mean show
them their low glucose which can impair their
judgement. NOT threaten to poke them with the
Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
West Virginia
--- KIMBERLY PRICE <kmprice51@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Can you give us a layman's lesson on how to test,
> what to look for and the
> benefits of same?
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