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RE: DIY blood glucose checks
At 09:10 AM 8/30/01 -0600, Bob Morris wrote:
>While Roger has encountered no objection, some riders have.
>Now in all fairness, the Rule 13a should be examined and an over all
>decision rendered by the Vet Committee on this procedure. If the use of
>acupuncture is considered invasive (because the skin is penetrated) should
>not the drawing of blood for a glucose test be considered invasive. (because
>the skin is penetrated) Granted the same applies to the taking of blood
>samples but this is being done by and for the Vets and not on a random
>individual basis.
One could argue however, that acupuncture is an invasive *therapy*, while
BG determination is a *test*.
>My real concern, and this is hypothetical, that while we now have blood
>glucose being tested for during rides how soon before we have more intense
>blood sampling on a random individual rider basis? This is something we do
>not need to see at rides. How do you control what is coming out vs what may
>be going in when a syringe and needle is involved.
BG can be tested with a pincprick by a lancet. No syringe needed. (Though
I'm not sure everyone is doing it thatway.)
>Yes, this concern may be premature but it is best addressed prior to it
Quite so.
--CMNewell, DVM
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