------Why would an 8 year old sound Arab be on the killer truck?Are there
THAT many extra Arabs in the area?
Check the tier.org website under horses in need. You'll see a few 7 or 8
year old arabs in local So. Cal. feedlots who appear to be perfectly sound
and are headed for slaughter unless they're rescued.
$550 per horse is all it takes.....and one can be yours.
These are just the tip of the ice berg.
A very sad situation, indeed....
If I only had a ranch with about 20 acres..... >sigh<
Bitsy's a 'rescue', btw. Not in the truest sense as I got her from a guy who
really hated her (deemed her 'unrideable') and was in the process of 'just
getting rid of her'.
I've no doubt, however, that she most likely would have ended up in a feed
lot......and she's a wonderful, beautiful. really loving, little Arab mare.