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Re: RE: Psyllium

Title: Re: RC:  RE: Psyllium

Another article...this month in Horse and Rider-this is about the fourth I have seen in the last year stating that Psyllium does absolutely nothing in getting rid of ingested sand. One of the other articles (Equus, I think) stated that they have done a study  and that the horses fed psyllium were compared to a control group and that the subsequent surgeries showed no difference.
The H&R article says that psyllium does not aid gut motility, nor help get out the sand, but it won't hurt your horse. BTW, this issue actually has a one page article by Becky Hart on Endurance. What do you know, a mag that usually only has peanut rollers!
*This is what Susan Garlinghouse basically has said in her would have to give huge amounts daily for a month, to make much difference.  I believe she states best things to encourage gut motility; moving dirt and sand out, are exercise and roughage.  Susan, hope I didn't misunderstand what you said at the Western region conference a few years ago....

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