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We have lots of sand.  I've been using the psyllium for one week at a 
time every month since we got here about a year ago.  Just had one of 
the horses colic.  The vet had me feed her up to 6 cups of mineral oil 
for several days (I did 4 cups with 2 in the am and 2 in the pm) and now 
we are at 1 cup per day for a while.  I've had several folks tell me 
they use 1 cup of mineral oil once a week as a preventative.  The vet 
did not seem to think the psyllium was a help, but that it did no harm.  
This particular horse doesn't drink enough water to stay well hydrated 
in this heat.  I'm thinking this contributed to the colic.

Vicki Johnston
Mims, Florida

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