Last year my neighbor took her three year old and I took my two year old down to this creek trail area, called Walnut creek. It's real popular in the summer , it's the only water around in our Valley, and good for schooling babies. Our plan was just to get the babies into the water, and that was the entire plan. Well, it took one full hour to get both of those fillies into the first water crossing. I was ponying mine off of her mother. She didn't care what her mother said. My friend on a big Appy took up shoving from the rear, while we did the draft horse pulling competition in the front. Pat Parelli was not present at the time. But once the babies both got their feet wet , they discovered it was kinda fun. By the time they crossed the 6th or 7th stream, the 3 year old was pawing and laid down in the water. Mine thought about it, but didn't actually lay down. It was helpful to have many crossings over a meandering stream, a patient friend, a couple of seasoned old horses, and plenty of time to work it out. (I did not tie my rope to the horn either!!!) Also be real careful about leading horses across streams, they tend to jump to where you are standing, and I had a friend get a broken shoulder blade with one of those manuevers, when her 17 hand TB jumped over the stream on to her. Beth