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Re: Reply/Fatigue vs Sweating

Yes, itchy is his middle name and Bob makes sure he cleans his face thoroughly
after our rides (Tavi insists on it - ie, whoever's walking by is his scratching
post  ;)


                    Patterson"              To:     <>                                        
                    <tpranch@interne        cc:     <>                                          
          >              Subject:     Re: Reply/Fatigue vs Sweating                                
                    08/20/2001 03:06                                                                                  

My fiance's horse is a palomino paint.  When he sweats he looks like a
> prostitute on a bad day (sorry to be crude, but it's true!).  The skin
> his eyes is dark so when he sweats it looks like he's spent all day crying
> too much mascara on.  Right now he's probably the fittest he's ever been,
> 15 mile training rides with no problem.. but he sure does *look* tired.
> have to post a pic one of these days..
> Julienne

Julienne:  Both palomino and dun colored horses get those big dark eye
patches when sweating.  This is due to their dark pigmented skin underneath
the hair coat.  Since there is little muscling on the face, moisture stands
out prominently when the horse sweats.  My old mare, Hickory Dee, loved a
wet sponge wipe on her face on hot days.  The salt residue in the sweat
makes a face itchy, especially when it drys.  An accumulation of salt
residue will cause the horse to loose hair, as well.  Your dark skinned
horse will be more comfortable if you make face washing a part of the
grooming routine.

Some horses will look worse for the wear after a distance ride; and some
don't.  Carmelita always looked great when we got back to camp and cleaning
her up was never a chore.  Just enjoy your horse, even if he does look like
he's been working for you when you get done ridin'.  ~S~

Gretchen Patterson
T-P Ranch Equine Massage

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