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Crysta Turnage AJandCrysta@aol.com
I had a very dissappointing weekend. I was supposed to ride at the EHSC
this weekend, both my mare's and I's very FIRST endurance ride! I was all
packed and ready to go, only thing left to do was put the horse in the
trailer. When I went to catch my mare I was sorry to discover she was so
lame in her left front leg she could hardly even stand on it. :( It was
swollen on the INSIDE portion of her cannon between the knee and fetlock.
I hosed it off for 30 minutes and then wrapped it in ice (from the cooler
I knew I was no longer going to use) for another 30 minutes. I then
applied some mild linament (Bigeoil) and a support wrap. Gave her 2 grams
of Bute and called it a night.
I have since been repeating this same treatment (except hose time only 15
mins) twice a day. Had the vet out, said it was only a strain and should
have no permanent effects. She must have twisted her leg Thursday night
or Friday morning. I've had this mare for 3 years and she's never even
had a cold! She usually is extremely sure-footed so this came as a total
shock. The swelling has gone down since I discovered it Friday afternoon
and there is
almost no heat now. She still does not want to put much weight on it but
does not seem to mind me firmly running my hands against it or picking the
leg up.
I just was writing to find out any other tricks or tips for helping her.
I was planning on swimming her for short periods of time at a local lake
once the swelling was gone entirely and she was putting weight back on the
leg. Something to help condition without having any additional concusion
Thanks in advance for the help!
Crysta & Sugar (ouch, I hurt mom) the newbies!
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Lameness
- From: "Beth Gunn" <happyhoofprints@hotmail.com>
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