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Re: RC: dead mare at NASTR
>In 1999 we were at Forest Hill watching the riders coming into the vet
>check at the Tevis, and yes there were horses lined up on IV's. It does
>happen, it is part of the sport. Most of the folks who ride endurance
>take exceptional care of their horses, but there are also new people who
>are coming into the sport. People who know NOTHING about horses. They
>think a horse is a machine that will go, and go, and go. These are the
>ones who need to know that horses are animals, and you CAN kill them.
>Arabians especially will go above and beyond for their owners.
>I'm not sure why this subject should be kept quiet. No names have been
>named, no accusations made. It happened and we need to keep it from
>happening again. If this happened in the show ring everyone would be
>outraged. David Boggs was barred from the show ring for cosmetically
>changing horses in his charge. I'm not sure why the death of a horse at a
>ride does not outrage people. I guess I am just too naive.
Sindy, Tevis is not a representative ride of the sport, IMHO. People
come ride Tevis that have never done a 100! That have never done
endurance! etc. The only ride where I have ever seen multiple
horses on IVs is Tevis, at Robinson Flat, the last few years when I
took photos for the webcast (which I'm not doing this year!)
I've been in the sport for 12 years, two regions, low mileage but RM
experience too, travel to out of region rides for the RP Saddle Co,
and have not seen many horses treated.
Don't think that because we're all not just raising h3ll on ridecamp
that we're a bunch of people who are too chicken to speak up--in my
case since I don't/won't speak for others, I'm waiting to see what
the vet board's investigation reveals. I do *not* believe in
"trial-by-ridecampers", as Angie much more eloquently described as a
poor representation of our membership.
who instigated two protests which were upheld, DQ'd a rider for
breaking the rule first--but those were clear-cut violations under
our rules. Let's let our Board and committees do their job before we
start baying. Yes, it's danged hard to wait for justice...if we
don't like what they do, we vote 'em out.
Norco Riverdance Ride (PS) 9/1/01
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