Horsneakers - First Field Test and Report
Hello everyone, I am cross posting this as there has been
quite a bit of talk on all these lists about barefooting, boots, etc...Since I
am riding Hank barefoot and just received my new Horsneakers I thought I'd do a
show and tell :)
I recieved them last week and tried them on ASAP of course but didn't get a
chance to ride in them till this past Sunday. I rode about 2 hours at all gaits
and they did great! I went through water that was up over the sneakers and in
some mud. Where I ride there tends to be lots of *slick* red clay when it's wet
like it has been so got to test their slip factor - I'd say not any worse than
steel shoes, much, much better than easyboots, but not as good as barefoot. But
nothing is as good as barefoot for traction I've discovered since pulling shoes.
So they passed the first field test with flying colors :)
My inital overall impressions are very, very positive. Frank and Mary
define the term customer service, the product is good and always being improved,
and Frank is truly interested in working with each customer so the boots work
for them.
Time and riding will tell how they do over the long haul and if I'm
actually able to ride 50 or 100 miles in them without having rubbing or any
number of other problems. However, after dealing with Frank and Mary so far, I'm
know I'll have help from them if any problems do crop up in the future.
I plan to do a longer ride in different terrain this weekend and will see
how they do under those circumstances.
Probably the best news is they are as to put on and take off as my own
sneakers - really.
I have posted a few pictures at:
photos.yahoo.com/bhereth (there is no "www" in front of this
url) - click on the folder labeled Hank and Sneakers.
Yes they are blue and yes they have this name on them
Tina and Hank - styin' and profilin' in his new, blue
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