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athletic horses
My husband and I, are also amazed at the horses that are out
and about being shown in the ring as well as being sold for
being athletic "type" arabians. We were getting so frustrated
when looking for a horse that we decided to breed our own. So
far we have had pretty good luck in producing quality horses
but, they would probably never place in a halter class. We
think they are beautiful!!!! yet, they look nothing like what I
see in Arabian World being shown at halter.
Our filly from this year is just put together so nice for what
we look for. .....and we have fairly good bloodlines and since
we just started to dabble in breeding we are still constantly
looking. Right now we have a Bay Abi son (who is 25 years
young)whois the sire of our filly who is out of our Muscat
daughter. This filly has good bone, angles, nice butt and
attitude we are excited about her. We really liked this cross
for endurance as we ride as heavyweights and need horses with
substance. I also have a mare out of my endurance mare who is a
mix of Polish, Russian and Egyptian and was crossed to an
Egyptian. This too was a nice cross as it produced bone, as
well as what I consider nice size 15'1.
I guess my question is....whatever happened to breeding pretty
and athletic......I feel they can still come in the same
package. I really say Sneaker is gorgeous but, she is not
petite and tho' you look at her you see arab....she doesn't have
they extreme dish. So what bloodlines do some of the rest of
you look for???? Like I said so far our stud Salero has
produced what we like crossed with Rainbow Summer but, is the
Varian lines what we really want?? I did do my homework on
those lines and everything I read said they were doing
horses....was I wrong??? (Salero's dam goes back to Abu Farwa
also). Any comments??
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