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Me first!Me first!
Dear Ridecampers,
First I just want to say I've been reading my digest for
several months-really enjoy all the shared advice
and stories.I'm finally posting to ask for a advice with a training
issue.My new horse is a great guy in many respects-loves to beach ride,go out
alone,nice all-around arab.The problem I'm having is at the canter
when I'm riding with a group of horses.He enjoys cantering alongside or in
front of another horse,but not behind.If we are cantering in front,he is happy
and does a nicely paced canter.Behind, I have to hold him
back,and to put it nicely-he's very pissed at mom. He will jump to the side
and try to buck.Put him in the
back and his eyes glaze over,he would jump over the other horses if he
could !
I ride him in a broken snaffle kimberwicke and a running
martingale.We train 3-4 times a week so he's
not too fresh.Should I carry a crop and just smack him when he tries
this?Please advise!
Alicia and Viktor
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