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RE: Re: advise on moving to D.C.

  <<I live in Great Falls VA which is equestrian heaven - tons of 
trails, a National Park.... but no train.  Also majorly 
expensive (3 acre lots go for $400,000 - $600,000).>>

Try $1 million minimum for an acre in Los Altos Hills, CA 20 years ago.
Don't know what it is now, its probalby $5 million!  This is bare
land price, and you know that when the swimming pool and marble
tiled bathrooms are all put in it's doubled.  Los Altos Hills has
a major equestrian trail system, but......  Yeah, we can't afford
to live there.  $400,000-$600,000 will buy a tiny tract home or
a townhouse in the SF peninsula.  Have to move out of the area
to get a 3 acre lot for that price!!!!  Wouldn't be sticker shock
to US!


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