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Re: Finding the right bit
Hi -
I bought an ex-racer in Sept., we're working on the exact same problem. I
went to a bitless bridle, and it's worked great for our dressage type work
(all long and low at this point). This is a neat bitless bridle that can be
ridden with normal contact.
My horse picked up the head lowering/rounding idea on our first session...
My trainer spent about 5 minutes with my mare on the ground and then was
able to get the same movement in the saddle right away. To get her to lower
her head while I am riding, I keep my hands low and wide with contact, and
squeeze the reins like a sponge to cue her to lower her head and flex a
little at the poll. As soon as she lowers, I give her a little slack. The
instant she beings to pop her head back up, I ask her to lower again.
I am also using this bridle on the trail... Works well on horses that are
easy to rate.
Hope this helps! Best of luck -
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