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Re: RC: RE: I'M Confused...

>Back in my younger days when masonry construction was more prominent, the
>Italian masons used to advise this procedure to toughen the hands of
>apprentices. The cement and stone would make their hands rough and sore.
>This was the accepted cure.

I haven't been really following this thread but if my Evel Knivel mind
has leaped this canyon I only have one question, "Who applied the
cure, the apprentice or the Journeyman?"

If it involves human hands my hand-crafted soap works really well by
keeping them soft and moist which makes them quite scratch resistent.

If it is scratches to the hoof we we're talking about and I missed it,
could someone privately bring me up to speed?

Marv "I need to find a copy of tomorrow's paper so I'll be ready for it." 

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