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Boz saddles

to AWOLSteve, 
My Boz has served me well and many others have Boz's they love, some well
known and successful riders out there using them.  Personally, I think
Fords are junk, but obviously many other people don't, as I see lots and
lots of them going down the road.  My advice is to put your  Boz on the
endurance classifieds..there are hardly any on there for sale and usually
at least one ad requesting  one in the Saddles WANTED section.  

If you cannot sit a horse at all  3 gaits bareback, you will NOT like a
Boz.  That is how you sit one, in balance, not water skiing with your
reins and your  butt shoved back into the cantle.  It is designed to put
you in the RIDER'S GROOVE, right behind the horse's withers.  Best
Condition scores count, and I have some. This JUNK has served me well for
10 years and lots of miles on lots of different horses.   Renie Burnett

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