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Red Rock Ride
dovie pickering Dovie @aci.net
Carol and Steve deserve a standing ovation for the first ever Red Rock
Ride. I live in the Reno area and have riden the first loop several
times. But have never been on the second loop. What a nice surprise.
The trails have not been wopped out by motor bikes and there was no trash
on the trail. I wish I could say the same about the Lemmon Valley trails.
The trails in Lemmon Vally are nice but the ones in Red Rock are
wonderful. The ride was ran very efficiency. The trail was well marked
and the hay and water station were great. The camp was large with lots of
room for everyone. A big thank you to Carol and Steve and all the people
in Red Rock, especially the 4-her who held my horse at the first number
check. I had to take a pit stop and I when to check and tighten my girth,
my horse cowed kicked me in the shin The 4-her held my horse as I danced
around cussing and crying. She helped me on my horse after making sure I
was ok. Everyone was great. Cann't wait for next year, but remember
Comstock will be a nice ride too. Dovie
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