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At a recent equine expo in Belton I saw about a half dozen Akhal-tekes, all
owned by the same stables down near San Antonio somewhere.

They were all hyper, nervous and wiggy (they were pacing their stalls and
showing a lot of other odd behaviors).  Their feet were chipped and

They were *very* tall (on average about 16 hands), and built like greyhounds
(thin, but not underfed--wirey).  Their bone structure didn't look like it
could take a lot of weight (long in the back, long and thin in the cannons
and pasterns).  They looked *fast*.

They made Arabs look like quarter-horses (i.e. calm, plodding and chunky).

I don't know any more about them.  I certainly didn't ride them, and the guy
who owned/was showing them was too busy to stop and chat.

They did have that metallic gleam though.  Very eye-catching.

Wonder what a Akhal-teke/quarter horse cross would do. . . 

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