Hi All-
I just spent a wonderful eight+ hours with my oldest
horsekid/best trail partner/eighteen-years-old mare Ms Kit Bit. Drove to the
barn, and didn't have to go through one guard checkpoint, the only uniforms
I saw were on the guys in the parade. Down in our little hideaway
"private" ravine, for breakfast and lunch. Everything was green,
green, green. Yesterday, it was with my ten year old Arabian
"puppy" Bobby, Then I took my Mom on an excursion train ride.
Stopped at the store on the way home, any kind of food a person could ask
for, we got it here! I spent much time thinking that, all but for the luck
of being born here, just how different life would be. I absolutely love the
Fourth of July, and all that it stands for. I most humbly stand in reverence
of all the men and women who gave so much for us to enjoy the things we
do. Too many of them did not make it to enjoy what they worked so hard
for. We are so incredibly fortunate compared with other nations and
Cheryl in WNY
Horse Kids Kit, Bobby & Dani
>I'm Grateful to live in the most wonderful country in
the world. We have our problems as a society yet we have such willingness to
learn, grow and create. Our entire Constitutional Process was unique
at the time and we have opened our arms to all People who wish to come
here. I am proud of us all as a Nation and as a combined People.
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