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Re: Helmet Recommendation

Writing about Troxel helmets, Angie said:
> This must be something new, you're the 2nd person who has mentioned them
> being oval. I got one several years ago and hate how round it is!  My
> daughter has a newer one and is constantly fighting with the straps.  The
> one long piece makes it a royal pain to adjust.
-- Unless more than one person uses the helmet (not a nice thought during
the summer <ick>, why would you need to adjust the straps once you have the
fitting set up?

> It wants to sit cocked to the side on her head too.
-- Sounds like it's either the wrong size or that the Troxel is the wrong
shape for her head.

> Daughter can't wait till she lands on her Troxel so she can get a
Lexington. >g<
-- I wore a Lexington Lidlocker before I got my Troxel Sport.  The Troxel
fits my head much better -- it just never moves at all, and I forget that I
have it on..

I guess what we all need is a local tack store that carries umpteen brands
so we can check out all the different helmet shapes.


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