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I really don't think it is as much an LD issue as it is just an unhorseman/newbie/ignorance  issue,  (no ofence to the scads of great newbies out there) Most people start in LD,  but  bad stuff  happens in the 50's too. Now here is just an idea, if you think its a dumb one Okee Dokie.  I am wondering if the "log book  and a required member sponsor combination"  would be a good idea for say the first 4 (whatever) rides regardless of distance.  The vet and ride manager would have to sign the log book for the completions, and make any comments or suggestions for the education/benefit of the new rider. After that, get a stamp on the membership card we already have, and are already required to show to enter, that shows  the rider has completed the apprenticeship phase,  Anyone without the card gets the $10.  fee anyhow, and in addition would also get stuck with a sponsor.  It would not require allot of revamping, or expense for AERC.  A little more for ride managers maybe,  but not so much. The log books could be designed and printed and to cover cost purchased by the rider at their first ride or prior to it, from someplace other that the AERC office.  The juniors don't seem to have any trouble at all getting a sponsor, I am sure the new riders would be fine. Just an idea, Annie
Anne George Saddlery

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