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Annie George saddles

I am new to RC, but noticed a couple of letters about Annie George saddles and want to go on record to say that buying one of her saddles last summer was the best investment I have ever made in tack in over 40 years of riding.  I am new to distance riding, and tried to do it with my old "balanced" hunter-jumper saddle.  I trained in the hunter saddle and now have a deformed finger joint as the result of a little accident that would not have happened if I had been riding in the Anne George saddle.  I know some people swear by their hunter saddles, but you couldn't pay me to do another serious trail ride on one.  I have also tried a western saddle, and while that was "okay" for my comfort, my horse hated the feel of it and "complained" for 20 miles.  I have never felt a more balanced or secure saddle than Annie's.  The freedom of movement for my horse is dramatically better than before.  If you are accustomed to knee rolls, it will take a ride or two to get accustomed to a new feeling, but I can ride 10 miles of extremely steep and rigorous trails where I train and not feel at all tired the end.  In my old saddle, I was exhausted- felt like I had been beaten!  At one point, I was so discouraged that I was about to scale back my ambitions, thinking I was too old to try to do something like this, but getting the right equipment has made all the difference in the world.

The Anne George saddle is sturdy and finely crafted.  Annie patiently answered many questions when I was still comparison shopping.  She has put many years of knowledge and experience about horses and saddle design & construction into her endurance saddles.

Some people may be happier giving their dollars to well known brand makers of saddles, but I guess that in addition to loving the saddle, I prefer to spend my money to help support a very rare breed of craftsman (woman) in this day and age of conformity and big business.  How many products can you buy where you can actually talk to the designer and have something custom made for you for less than you would pay to support the big business (and their ad campaigns, etc.)?

By the way, I live in Virginia, and all of this was satisfactorily handled by email, photos, and Q & A exchanges with Annie.  I can't think of anything of real quality that is "instant."  The little bit of time I waited was WELL worth it! If I didn't already own one, I would be quick to grab one of those used ones posted earlier today!

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