Hi Cora; This one was raw metal. Kinda greasy too. They also use them as bits. And I know the kind of people that buy them over there in Baldwin Park. They are the kinds of guys who are into cock fights, dog fights, and charro rodeos. Tripping is a cultural experience for them. I rode one of their screwed up horses with a very bad mouth, horse wanted to rear with any sort of light pressure. I was Riding her with a snaffle like we were in a western pleasure class, real drooping reins, then got home and never rode her again. Before anyone could address the problem, she put her owner in the hospital, and then went out to pasture in Utah or somewhere. I have a real bad feeling about these devices, and if I knew the riders were someone like you, I wouldn't feel that upset about it. I'm sure you do a conscientious job. These other guys, dont. Beth