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Shore to Shore
The Shore to Shore is UMECRA sanctioned for both endurance and competitive.
It is also AERC sanctioned for endurance. AERC rules overrule UMECRA., I
believe. UMECRA sanctions both competitive and endurance. One set of rules
for endurance, another set for competitive. The UMECRA endurance rules
basically are the AERC rules. There are some differences but very minor.
AERC rules if it becomes an issue. The Shore to Shore offers 50 end and 25
LD endurance each day. It also offers 50 competitive and 25 competitive
each day. One can do whatever one wishes. One year I did 25 miles on Tues,
then 50 on Wed, and 50 on Thurs. If you want to ride competitive, I believe
that Wayne asks for your entry with money to be sent in early. Look at the
flyer to make sure or call him. In the midwest we are blessed with going
for a weekend to ride and have all kinds of choices. One can ride comp on
Sat and Sun, or one can ride endurance on Sat and LD or comp on Sun. One
can pick and choose. As for LD. If there is a prize for 1st place or BC
one has to remember that first to cross the line is not necessarily the
winner. The horse has to reach the required pulse which is 60 first before
it is considered the winner. This means that one needs to ride a smart ride
and think! Speed won't do it. BC is treated the same way it is for 50s and
the longer endurance rides.
The Shore to Shore is quite an experience. One is in a time warp and
everyone seems to bond as they move across the state. Everyone helps
everyone else too. There are some worms in the apple but for the most part
it is an experience not to be missed. If BIg Ray is there putting water out
on the trail which he has done for the past 3 years, beware, he is very
sneaky with his camera!!!! Jeanie who plans on going again this year so
look out Ray!
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