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Endurance Riding For Complete Idiots
You know the "How To" Dummy books? Well, I wished there was one for the
complete idiots. I have dreamed, saved money, and planned on doing this
sport for over 13 years. Here I am, ready for my first limited distance
ride on June 9 and I'm finding myself totally confused and will show up,
I'm sure, the greenest newbie of all time.
Details, details,....If I spend so much as $10 more on fly spray I'm
afraid my husband will run screaming from the country pulling his hair
out...what is left. I've spent a minor fortune getting ready this past
spring: new truck, new trailer traded for a better new trailer, horse,
tack, tack, tack, books, oddments. What I'm thinking I really need is
some lightweight panels to put up a little spot for the horse at the
event. Right now, I can't do so much as that. My budget has been
stretched to the point of panels or gasoline to the event? gas or
panels? hmmmm....
Do many people tie to the trailer? I've heard it being done. I'm not
keen on it but what other option do I have? It is summer, I'm sure too
warm to pull out the handy, dandy stall dividers and turn the 3 horse,
slant into a stall. Do people do that? He's small, just 14 hands, just
in case that is an option. He's a wonderful veteran of endurance, at 13
years old, been hauled all over, tied to trailers, those ropes between
trees, hobbled...according to his previous owners. I'm sure he'll be
fine but I do so want to do what is right and safe for him.
Another thing, he's having to adjust to dusty west Texas from moist east
Texas. He's had slight allergies. I ordered some stuff called Cough
Free today. Will this show up in a test? It shouldn't as it is an
herbal but we all know of an herbal that shows up loud and clear in
human tests so....any thoughts? The allergies are getting better. He
just has a sneezing bout when we first start off.
Right after I got him he was HORRIBLY quicked by a farrier. For five
weeks I have not been able to ride. We are starting conditioning now.
He's doing fine, hasn't even broken a sweat. I'm wondering if I should
push him. We ride two hours every other day, he NEVER wants to come
home. I've not ever, ever, ever had in my life a horse that didn't want
to come home. At first I wondered if something was wrong with him then
I quickely caught on that most of his riding has been on 50 milers and
he can't figure out why I quit so early. He is a bit pudgy from the
feed w/hoof supplement. The hooves are better, yeah!!
Any of you doing the Road Warrior race in Canton on June 9? That is the
one we (me) will do as my very first intro to a sport I've dreamed of
forever. Look for the confused woman w/You Can Rest When You Die
t-shirt and very cute black Arabian who doesn't realize he's only 14
I hate to post, post, post since I'm new on this list. I promise...or
will try that this will be my last for the awhile.
Thanks for being patient with me! I'm so envious of you guys who have a
few races, miles, years under your belts. I feel so GREEN!
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