I know everyone realizes that stirrups should be hung in a natural postion
and not forward in the "chair position" (I've heard it referred to as the
"toilet seat position".) But, I believe that they can be hung too far back
for certain body types and that will pitch you forward, cause knee problems
and stability problems. I know because I bought a wonderful Synergist saddle
that had been used once and the owner returned it to the maker because he
said his knees hurt. I didn't want to wait for one to be made so I bought it.
I suppose I should have had a little smaller seat size, but all in all, it
fit OK. Well, I started to have knee problems for the first time in my life
and if the horse stopped quickly I would be pitched forward with my legs
swinging back and my pelvis was tipped forward and it was hard to sit on my
seat bones. I had taken dressage lessons for 6 years, so I was accustomed to
having my legs under me, but this was too much.
I sent the saddle back and they did set the stirrups forward, between 1/4
inch and 1/2 inch and that solved every problem I was having with the saddle.
I have taken dressage lessons in this saddle and my instructor was very
impressed with the seat and correct position it put me into. So, I guess what
I am saying is, maybe you need to set your stirrups more forward and not
back. Just a thought.