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Standing to Mount

Hi Jessica,

We tackled this problem in our natural horsemanship clinic using some Dennis 
Reis methods.  A couple tips:

From the ground, have the horse bring his nose to you (you are at his 
girth)..bending his neck.  He should be supple and non-resistant, reward him 
when he does it by letting go and letting him stretch out his neck.  You 
should do this on both sides and often (a good muscle warmup).  Then, 
whenever you mount, you also bring the horses head around to you...much 
harder for them to move off or spook away.....

Anytime the horse moves when you are to mount you are to (from the ground) 
move him off in circles around you. If he wants to move have him move but do small cirles, leg yields..disengage that hind end.  Then, 
'invite' him to stand and be mounted.  You stay calm and keep the energy 
level down..take your time.  He will get the picture very quickly.  Praise 
him and do not mount up...reward him by getting off the saddle and praise 
some more.  So get half way up, if he moves, get down..move him...if he 
doesn't move...get down...praise it again.

It is important to do this from both sides of the horse...they perceive 
differently on each side.  It is fine to also use the mounting block making 
it easier for him.  But make the reward be him standing still, make sure he 
is yielding to pressure with his head, and make sure he is respectful of 
your space and not running over you.  If he is there are other issues 

You will soon have a horse who stands still and allows you to mount from 

Email me if you have any questions..
Take care,
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab.."I'd rather stand still then do side passes 
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