Gee Howard, I hate to sound like a dumb woman or anything, but is that a Southern term for a stick shift? I'm sorry, is it anything like the 4 or five speed manual transmission cars, and trucks (that would be, uh, about six of them that I've personally owned, and about 300,000 miles) or do you think that would be more like MY TRACTOR????? Heh heh, I really dig all the gears on that tractor, floor ones, front ones, back ones, buckets, augers, tillers, anyone got a D9 I could play with? You know I have a problem though with my automatic that my husband insisted on buying because it's easier to comute in. When I get real tired, my right hand and left foot just automatically start reaching for the gears and clutch, and its like a neurological thing. Oh and Howard, you may not like driving a Hummer, it's too stinky inside.