Re: Fwd: FEI Stuff, (Spurs, Safety, Self-defense, etc.)
I agree. If any of you have been in front of a mad cow or on a cliff with a
horse you would know the importance of being able to put a horse exactly
where you want when, with whatever aids. A spur and a crop are aids, and
like any other tool are only as good as the user. A horse is a horse and
not a bike, it has a mind of it's own .And as for FEI, Howard, you might not
recognise an FEI endurance ride now in some respects, but in others they is
very much AERC also. The only way to know is to go to one and make your own
conclusions. I think everyone who is not happy with FEI or just not
experianced, should go volunteer for a team, and experience an FEI Endurance
ride at ground zero . It is just like our home rides in the respect (just
bigger), that if it can go wrong on ride day , it will. And crap happens at
all events that we like and don't like. But lest we forget, we in America
started all this, and it's like having kids, kids grow, AERC and endurance
has grown , and sometimes kids grow up and go places and do things we don't
agree with. Endurance has grown to the point of being world wide, sometimes
we will not be able to control the rules and protocol totally anymore. FEI
has done a wonderful thing for us in endurance, we are now accepted as a
recognised, higher level horse sport. This has opened all kinds of doors for
our riders who have the resources to do it. I just wish folks could look at
the positive aspects more, rather than complaining about the negative. This
is still the most drug free, problem free , FUN, organised horse sport in
the world as far as I am concerned. :-)
AERC # 6904
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda Van Ceylon <lindavaneq@hotmail.com>
To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 9:04 AM
Subject: RC: Fwd: FEI Stuff, (Spurs, Safety, Self-defense, etc.)
> Well said Sarah. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one out there schooled
> to use spurs to enhance leg aids. I never use mine for speed, but
> definitely for power steering.
> Linda Van Ceylon
> AERC# 5023
> Fort Collins, CO
> lindavaneq@hotmail.com
> >From: trailsz@webtv.net (Sarah Zegers)
> >To: rides2far@juno.com
> >CC: ridecamp@endurance.net
> >Subject: RC: Fwd: FEI Stuff, (Spurs, Safety, Self-defense, etc.)
> >Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 22:35:02 -0800 (PST)
> >
> ><< Message3.txt >>
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