Fwd: BOD: Board Meeting Agenda
In a message dated 01/08/2001 8:55:32 AM Pacific Standard Time,
renegade12@juno.com writes:
<< Committee Chairs, please schedule your committee meetings as early on
Thursday as possible. Many of you and your committee members serve on
several different committees, so lets use this list as a "clearing house"
to arrange a working schedule of meetings.
Ruth, you expressed the desire to come to a Ride Managers' meeting on
Saturday of the convention at Noon. Are you referring to an open forum of
RMs or the meeting of the RM committee to discuss current business?
Actually, when the revised RM handbook is published, I'm not sure what the
next item of business will be, so I suppose it would be advantageous to have
an open forum for RMs to discuss any problems or situations you see fit. So,
to all ride managers who may read this post, please give me input regarding
your wishes and needs for an open meeting.
Barbara McCrary
Chair, RM committee
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Committee Chairs and Board-
Committee Chairs, please schedule your committee meetings as early on
Thursday as possible. Many of you and your committee members serve on
several different committees, so lets use this list as a "clearing house"
to arrange a working schedule of meetings.
Please let me know how much time you need at the Thursday night Board
Meeting (March 1st) for committee business. Also let me know what old
business needs to be addressed.
Usually we are scheduled for a 6 PM hosted dinner for the Board and a 7
PM start of our meeting...question: Should we stick with this schedule
or move to an earlier start..maybe a 4 PM Meeting that runs to about 9 or
10 PM? It seem odd that our Annual Meeting has always started so late
when most of us are in Reno by mid day. I know that Committee Meetings
must take place, but between Thursday night and Sunday we only meet for
about one full day when both meeting times are added together. Anyway,
this is open for discussion.
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