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Re: RC: strongid daily

In a message dated 4/18/01 4:26:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

There have been enough smoking guns - the only management change was the
wormier - where a horse with no previous metabolic problems starts to get
metabolic problems that I choose not to use it if I'm riding a lot.  I do
have used it for periods of time, but not whild campaigning.

Yup, T!  The one and only time that Harca has ever experienced colic, he had
been on Strongid daily for exactly a month. Colicked big time at the end of a
50 miler (vetted out with all A's too, then crashed). Coincidence?  Dunno,
but I'd never give the stuff to an endurance horse again.  Too many other
good ways to take care of your horse are available.


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