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Re: RC: strongid daily
In a message dated Wed, 18 Apr 2001 7:26:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Truman Prevatt, PhD" <truman.prevatt@netsrq.com> writes:
<< There have been enough smoking guns - the only management change was the daily
wormier - where a horse with no previous metabolic problems starts to get
metabolic problems that I choose not to use it if I'm riding a lot. I do and
have used it for periods of time, but not whild campaigning.
My gut feeling is if experienced vets are swearing at it while others are
swearing by it, there is still an open question with endurance horses.>>
Truman, this is pretty much my read on it as well. There is no difinitive research on Strongid C in endurance horses, so there is no data pro or con. The observations of problems in endurance horses have not been by just one vet--but by several who have compared notes on cases. Furthermore, I get a little perturbed when I know that I personally have discussed possible adverse reactions to it with its manufacturer's company veterinarian, as have other docs, and then have had representatives from the manufacturer get upset with me later, claiming that "no one" has ever called in an adverse reaction! C'mon, where are you burying the notes? It is a great product in foals and broodmares, and I sure would not hesitate to use it when management conditions are such that it is indicated.
I'm with you--I'll stick to using it in babies in crowded management conditions, and in some other circumstances, but not in my campaigning horses...
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