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Re: Rice Bran
> I have a 7 year old arab. We are having a time getting and keeping weight
on him. Teeth good, on strongt C and worm free. I am thinking of using rice
bran. What are some thoughts on this? We are feeding weight builder now. As
soon as I start to train, his weight will drop. Any help appreciated.
I'm not a tremendous fan of rice bran, but it does have its uses in
moderation (ie, a few pounds and not 7 or 10 or 12) and as long as you're
paying attention to calcium-phosphorus ratios. Rather than reinventing the
wheel, you might read this:
IMO, a pound or so of rice bran would be preferable to Weight
Builder---both are just high-fat feeds and rice bran is more economical than
the Weight Builder. Or, you could just cut to the chase and add a few
ounces of fresh vegetable oil.
Adding beet pulp to the ration would also probably help with maintaining
weight. There's an article on the same website about that as well.
Good luck,
Susan G
- References:
- Rice Bran
- From: "guest@endurance.net" <guest@endurance.net>
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