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Re: RC: wound care according to the CSU vet school
I'm definitely not an expert in this area (thankfully) but we just came out
of a heel bulb laceration that was ugly. It happened either Jan 1st or 2nd
&, of course, I had the flu that week. Spellbinder was never lame & had it
all covered in mud, so it was not discovered until the 5th. There was
still live skin hanging on -- the vet scrubbed the wound out & used 4
sutures. No one (including me) expected the skin to take hold, but at
least it covered up part of the wound.
As Susan noted, I was strictly told not to put anything on the wound for
the 1st 4 weeks-- just a gauze bandage & vetwrap (I now own 25% of 3M
;-). Changed the first bandage 36 hours later. Then left the bandage on
for 2.5 days (bad mistake). It was changed everyday for 8 weeks, followed
by 1 week of limited turn out allowing the skin to toughen-up. If the
paddock was dry, Spell got to go out -- otherwise, he was stall bound with
hand walking ("the bandage must stay dry"). At week 4, we were given a
furacin mix (furacin + dmso + predef??) to apply daily.
EVERYONE said we would have to deal with proud flesh since it was a lower
leg wound. It never showed up!!! It was a very long process, but he now
looks like he rubbed the hair off. The scar is about the size of a nickel
or smaller (yes the skin flap reattached). It was long, hard, & trying but
the end result is worth it!
Vicki Wheeler & Spellbinder ("time to restart those dressage lessons, Mom")
Knoxville, TN
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