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Re: halters

Jolynn writes
> Then another person I know left halter on in a pasture the horse put his
> foot through the halter, panicked, and managed to kill himself before
> anyone noticed

I agree.  When I was a teenager, my sister and I had a very hard to catch
mare in a big pasture.  She would come up and sitck her nose in a bucket of
grain, but if you tried to get a rope or halter around her neck, she was we found a safe way to solve it. We took a soft cotton rope
( not as thick as a lead rope), and just put it around her neck, with about
3-4 inches hanging down to grab........then attatched it with a fairly
strong rubber band.  It seemed to stay on during the week-had she caught it
on anything or put a leg through, the rubber band would have broken
immediately.  Nice thing was, while she had the nose in the grain, we coud
sneak our hand under her throat and grab the rope.


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