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Re: RC: chafeless girth?

> My Casino is having trouble with girths chafing him real bad >after >
only 30 mins or so of riding. Any longer than that and he is bloody. It >
seems to be confined to the armpit area. 

This triggered a memory from a long time ago...before Zimectrin came
around. We had a mare with lots of Thoroughbred blood and she suddenly
was just plain "gooey" in the armpit area...totally raw, it was about
this time of year.  The trainer said (I think) that it was threadworms. 
A jumping horse trainer told me she used to have trouble with her
Thoroughbreds doing that every spring until she started worming them with
Ivermectin cattle wormer.  We injected her for a couple of years until
Zimectrin came out and had no more problems.  Just a possibility.  

Next I'd say, try to get your girth out of the armpit area.  Do your best
to back it up.  I had an extra English Billet added to my saddle, behind
the others so I could back it up.  I don't think my breastcollar ever
touches his chest unless maybe when the running martingale is engaged.

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