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RE: Knickers on a ride.

Are we talking "underwear?"   I don't have problems with the cheap cotton
ones from Wally World (Howard would like that), the full briefs -no bikinis.
If you have Saddle Bums tights, better not ride with ANY because they are
are padded and will actually be the most uncomfortable thing, but they are
really good tights.  But you have a different body type as I do,I'm sure
that you might have a different experience.  The English language is so
amusing how it morphs.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tracey []
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 2:06 AM
Subject: RC: Knickers on a ride.

Okay, so I'm doing a small CTR in April, and have, consequently, been
doing more trail riding than before.  I have all the equipment I think a
lady might need in these instances : good sports bra, cool t-shirt,
cotton jods, comfy shoes and chaps.  But I'm having a bit of a problem
finding comfy knickers to ride in.

I know Howard is going to have a ball with this, but I have to ask

What kind of knickers are the most comfortable for long rides.  I used
to do dressage / jumping in a g-string, but they tend to...well, let's
just say I don't really enjoy getting too intimate with them.  Other
knickers start to "ride up" after a while.  I've seen some tennis
knickers advertised at sports shops.  Are these any good?  They're
really expensive, so I don't want to go out and spend that kind of money
if they're not going to do the job.

Sorry for any embarrassment I may have caused with this thread, but
trust me : not one of you is as red-faced right now as I am.


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